Tim Sharpe

rspec-puppet 1.0.0

05 Dec 2013

It’s been a while, but finally there’s a new release of rspec-puppet. Originally slated to be 0.2.0 but promoted to 1.0.0 due to a couple of backwards incompatible changes.

What might cause you problems

create_resource matcher

This deprecated matcher has been removed entirely now. If you still have code using it, you should switch to using the generic contain_<resource> matcher instead.

include_class matcher

This matcher has now been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. The reason this is on it’s way out is that it doesn’t support parameterised classes and this has caused a lot of confusion for many users.

If you use include_class anywhere, you’ll see the following depreciation notice.

DEPRECATION WARNING: you are using deprecated behaviour that will
be removed from a future version of RSpec.

* include_class is deprecated.
* please use contain_class instead.

So, change:

it { should include_class('foo') }


it { should contain_class('foo') }

Changes to how parameters are matched

In previous versions of rspec-puppet, parameter values were matched extremely naively, where all values were flattened down to a string before comparison. This means that ['b', 'ba'] would have been equal to ['bb', 'a'] for example. As of 1.0.0, this behaviour has changed and we now compare data structures like arrays and hashes correctly, so you may have to adjust your tests accordingly.

What’s new

hiera support

Set the path to your hiera.yaml file in your RSpec.configure block and you’re good to go.

RSpec.configure do |c|
  # snip
  c.hiera_config = '/path/to/your/hiera.yaml'

compile matcher

This new matcher should the be first thing in any rspec-puppet test suite. It checks that the catalogue will compile correctly and that there are no dependency cycles in the generated graph.

it { should compile }

This matcher also has a chain method to enable checking that all dependencies in the catalogue have been met - with_all_deps.

it { should compile.with_all_deps }

While at first glance, it might seem that this shouldn’t be optional however there are cases where you might not want to test this (if, for example, you are testing a module that notifies a resource in a different module).

relationship tests

Some new additions to the contain_<resource> matcher are the resource relationship tests.

it { should contain_file('foo').that_requires('File[bar]') }
it { should contain_file('foo').that_comes_before('File[bar]') }
it { should contain_file('foo').that_notifies('Service[bar]') }
it { should contain_service('foo').that_subscribes_to('File[bar]') }

Regardless of how you define your relationships, either using the metaparameters (require, before, notify and subscribe) or the chaining arrows (->, <-, ~> and <~) these tests will work.

Testing the reverse of the relationship described in your Puppet code will also work with these new methods. Take the following manifest for example:

notify { 'foo': }
notify { 'bar':
  before => Notify['foo'],

Both of the following tests will work:

it { should contain_notify('bar').that_comes_before('Notify[foo]') }
it { should contain_notify('foo').that_requires('Notify[bar]') }

only_with tests

Also new to the contain_<resource> matcher are the only_with tests. Unlike the with tests which only test that the specified parameters have been defined, only_with tests that these are the only parameters passed to a resource.

Like the with tests, you can specify a single parameter with the only_with_<parameter> method:

it { should contain_service('ntp').only_with_ensure('running') }

Or, you can pass it a hash of parameters and values:

it do
  should contain_service('ntp').only_with(
    'ensure' => 'running',
    'enable' => true,

resource counting matchers

The last new matchers for this release are have_resource_count, have_class_count and the generic have_<resource>_resource_count. As you can guess, these matchers:

Count the total number of resources in the catalogue

it { should have_resource_count(3) }

Count the number of classes in the catalogue

it { should have_class_count(2) }

Count the number of resources of a particular type in the catalogue

it { should have_exec_resource_count(0) }

As always, if you find any bugs or have any suggestions for new functionality, please create an issue here.

Copyright 2020 Tim Sharpe

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.